Members Responsibility



As a member of the Club you have the privilege of access to other people's property. It is your responsibility to read, understand and comply with the requirements of the Club Constitution and By-Laws. Not to do so would put at risk the goodwill and fellowship between members and the trust of landholders.


The Constitution states that the objects for which the Association (Club) is established are: -

  1. To promote goodwill and fellowship between Club members.
  2. To ensure the correct representation of the recreational use of four wheel drive vehicles.
  3. To promote the conservation of the natural environment.
  4. To promote road safety and driving skills.
  5. To cooperate wherever possible with other four wheel drive clubs having similar interests to the Association (Club).
  6. To assist with community services where the Association (Club) considers it necessary.
  7. To hold, carry on, and arrange for organising and conducting activities, and social and recreational touring events for four wheel drive vehicles in order to stimulate interest.
  8. To ensure members adhere to the Association (Club) By-Laws.

You should most carefully consider the Objects of the Constitution and endeavour to promote these at all times during Club activities.


The By-Laws, are concise, yet explicit, and provide the foundation upon which participate actions are based. They are MANDATORY except in very exceptional circumstances. The implications of each By-Law need to be understood. If in doubt, you should address the Management Committee who will discuss your concerns and explain the logic behind such laws.


Because compliance with these By-Laws is a fundamental requirement of participation in Club activities, a session on this topic is included in your Driver Awareness Program.


Although membership to this Club is voluntary, to retain membership you MUST comply with the By-Laws of the Club.


Remember, ignorance of the rules and By-Laws is no excuse.


As a Club member your actions will often be observed not only by Trip/ Activity Leaders and other Club members but also, and probably more importantly, by Landholders and the general public. Be assured that the ‘grapevine’ is a most effective instrument in advertising the actions of people such as ourselves throughout the rural community.


At all times when participating in Club activities, or when representing the Club, you should have your Club membership card available. This is especially important when meeting Landholders for the first time, such as when carrying out a “recce” trip, to establish that you are a bona fide member. This also provides a visual impact of the Club name to that person. This action avoids the confusion that sometimes occurs through verbal communication only, and imports a sense of organisational effectiveness of the Club. It also guards against the possibility of being identified with other 4WD or off-road clubs which do not have a code of conduct compatible to that of this Club.